If you readers have been reading the comment section of previous postings you will undoubtedly be aware of the serious problem that is brewing which will have an adverse impact on this blog. It has actually evolved into a deadly virus.
As you know I have an evil sister and a good sister. In the past they have both displayed excellent writing skills. Lately the evil/good sister, who is a professional writer in LA, has become slightly deranged and has begun sending me bills for her comments on my postings. Because she is a professional writer, she feels entitled to compensation for her literary contributions to the comment section of my blog. She has, also, now started to submit recipes and poetry which I am being charged for. Currently I owe her over $2400. I tried sending her Monopoly money and also faxed her a stack of $100 bills. This worked for a while until she tried to spend them at Barneys. Then the shit hit the fan. She is threatening to put a lien on my house and farm. I may, also, be sued by her writers guild . I need advice from you, readers. I have gone to her children for help and they reported that they tried to get her placed in a "special home" but no one would take her. I can't keep this blog afloat without some type of financial help. Please respond with any ideas you might have.
Thanks................. voo
August 2009
I was unable to attend any of the County Fair functions with the exception of the parade. Here are a few photos of that parade, which incidentally, rivals the Rose Parade in splendor.

Winner of the Silver Star in WWll and Grand Marshall of this years parade.......

Ephraim royalty.....

This was Manti's fire truck from 1949 until the 1980s. It has saved many houses, barns, hay stacks, and fields. We used to always go the the fires in town and watch the Americal Legion Volunteer Fire Departement in action using this very fire truck. It is now owned by Bill Peterson and Palisade Pals.
Great Blog.. sorry about your financial crisis initiated by your evil sister... I worry about you Voo and so I am refunding you all the money you spent on my Hawaii trip and my Constanza weekend.. I think the value you claimed on my W-9 supplemental income form was around $6,000. Hope that helps.
Oh Vooooo-- What a pantywaist! You think your sad little plea will get you out of your obligation to me? Face it little brother! Your debt is rising. With this comment-- you now owe me $2813.01.
Smooth sailing sucker-- Lil Loon
p.s. I have always wanted to be Miss Manti and ride on the top of a float in the Sanpete Fair Parade. Perhaps if you could arrange that-- we could work out some financial relief. (I will not accept first or second attendant-- or Miss Moroni--)
Another thing. You may have noticed how much I resemble Anne Baxter-- and we all know what she did to Bette Davis. Watch out Vooo, you're in for a bumpy ride!
plus $435.16
I could possibly talk to the people of Fayette and maybe they would let your sister become an honorary Miss Fayette for a while. Then she could ride in the Jeep with Spike and little Ray at the Christmas parade. That has got to be worth 4 to 5 thousand dollars.
I like this idea a lot. I have always loved Fayette.
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