Joyce Eliason, prominent blog sponsor and quiz judge, won last week's "Donna Quiz."
There was only one other entry which explains the complexity of the quiz, or else the total lack of interest in the quiz. Which ever, Joyce came out the winner. She will receive a small smoked ham of my choice. Thank you, Joyce, for taking the time to enter the quiz and exhibiting your highly ethical, unbiased, impartial, and intelligent expertise in choosing the rightful winner.
My phone range at 1:37 AM last night and it was my good friend Kramer from Vermont. He said he couldn't sleep and asked me if anything new was going on in Manti. I said, "You bet, there are several new and exciting things taking place right now in our fair city." I included some of the most exciting in a picture feature below:

The Center Ward church building is currently getting a new coat of paint on it's steeple. This steeple is actually higher than The Old North Church in Boston.

The steeple is so tall that you actually need binoculars to see the very top.....

New building for class rooms under construction at Manti Elementary School.....

There is a new Red Sox poster on my office door.

As you all can plainly see, there are plenty of new things going on in Manti. If you want to live life in the fast lane, move to Manti.
My granddaughter, Tulip, lives in Vermont and recently started her first year of school as a student in Kindergarten.

All of Tulip's family and friends in Utah really miss her and wish her the best in the new school year. She will be in Utah at
Christmas time and we all look forward to that.
Rock on Tulip......

Modeled by Oil Can
Meanwhile, while Tulip was attending public school in Vermont, her Tiny Terror cousins from Manti were sluffing school and fishing at Ferron.
Lane's big catch of the day......
Alex holds a big one......
Alex makes friends with his catch before turning it loose........
Goodbye Mr. Trout......
Lane with a mouth full of chewing tobacco.........
Maddie is happy as a trout smacks her lure......
It's a double as the two oldest Tiny Terrors display their twin captives. We did a quick DNA exam of the fish before releasing them and discovered that they were brother and sister fish. What a coincidence.
Lane grabbing some shade while in deep trolling concentration.....
Time to head back to the cabin after a successful day of sluffing school and nailing a few trout.....
All photos courtesy of Oil Can.............
Spike hanging on and waiting for a bite........
Hooked up.......
Beautiful autum day on Ferron............
Mr. Brooke Trout and Mr. Spike meet each other......
Time to release the Brooke..........
Spike would sooner grab it than let it swim away.....
Another hook up off the shore of Spike Island........
Tight line..........
Still tight........
Spike wonders if the fish will ever be pulled in........
A fish is released and Spike tries to grab it under water.......
A very nice Brooke ........
Spike eying his catch of the day.........
A great afternoon was had by all......
One last trout and it's back to the cabin for steaks, potatoes, home made bread, peach cobbler, ice cream, JD, and other heart friendly foods to be shared with friends.........
Nothing is finer than a weekend at at cabin with Spike and family or Spike and friends. This even includes Oil Can.
Meanwhile, while Tulip was attending public school in Vermont, her Tiny Terror cousins from Manti were sluffing school and fishing at Ferron.

All photos courtesy of Oil Can.............

Nothing is finer than a weekend at at cabin with Spike and family or Spike and friends. This even includes Oil Can.
(see below)

I couldn't sleep the other night so I got up looking for something to do. I stumbled upon a box of balloons that were left over from the water fight on the 4th of July. I started blowing some of them up and before long I had created the object as pictured below.
I thought it looked quite formitable, but within 10 minutes Tiny Terrors, Maddie and Alex and their BB guns, had completely destroyed it.....
Looks like Superman is pissed off at General Motors.......

While standing under the tree hold a stick 3 or 4 feet in length in a vertical manner at arm's length. Grasp the stick so that the length of the stick above your hand equals the distance from your hand to your eye (your hand should be at eye level). Next, slowly walk backwards from the tree, staying level with the tree's base. When the height of the tree appears to be the same as the length of the stick above your hand, stop. You should now be sighting over your hand to the base of the tree and, without moving anything but your eye, sighting over the top of the stick to the top of the tree where you have stopped. Measure the distance from that spot to the tree and you have determined its height.

It's the good/evil sister's birthday on 9-11...
Stretch run for the Red Sox.....
Karl T. gains strength and begins skate boarding.....
Little Martha uses both ovens for the first time....
Chicago Bears are picked to win division.....
Oil Can pays for coffee....
Hoppy bowles a 300........ using total scores from three frames....
Canal Walker attempts to walk in canal and discovers it is full of water...
Bubba attempts to juggle live cats while riding unicycle....
Andy Cox remembers to take his lunch pail to work.....
Train Wreck doesn't get married....
Talula shows up for work on time.....
Shreader doesn't have a baby.....
Marconi finishes remodel job on his bathroom....... started in 1987
Stainless Steel Sabel actually stops a leak in a pipe.....
F Bomb doesn't get lost on his way home from work....
Curt Wankier performs stunts on his tractor at the Utah State Fair....
Costanza elopes with his regional sales manager......
Obama is impeached for encouraging kids to stay in school......
Milo is disqualified as Alpine Country Club Champ when cork is discovered in his driver.
Mrs F Bomb is discovered selling cats to the bioligy department at Washington State
Piper and Willow Circolia join the Republican party of NM and campaign for Sarah.
Opie AKA Robyn Cox continues to grow but still manages to fit into her class room.
Jackie Wankier wins a quiz......
That's it from here.
Thanks for tuning in.

Looks like Superman is pissed off at General Motors.......

While standing under the tree hold a stick 3 or 4 feet in length in a vertical manner at arm's length. Grasp the stick so that the length of the stick above your hand equals the distance from your hand to your eye (your hand should be at eye level). Next, slowly walk backwards from the tree, staying level with the tree's base. When the height of the tree appears to be the same as the length of the stick above your hand, stop. You should now be sighting over your hand to the base of the tree and, without moving anything but your eye, sighting over the top of the stick to the top of the tree where you have stopped. Measure the distance from that spot to the tree and you have determined its height.

Get your chain saw, cut the tree down, measure it with a tape measure...
....Ranger Bob
It's the good/evil sister's birthday on 9-11...
Stretch run for the Red Sox.....
Karl T. gains strength and begins skate boarding.....
Little Martha uses both ovens for the first time....
Chicago Bears are picked to win division.....
Oil Can pays for coffee....
Hoppy bowles a 300........ using total scores from three frames....
Canal Walker attempts to walk in canal and discovers it is full of water...
Bubba attempts to juggle live cats while riding unicycle....
Andy Cox remembers to take his lunch pail to work.....
Train Wreck doesn't get married....
Talula shows up for work on time.....
Shreader doesn't have a baby.....
Marconi finishes remodel job on his bathroom....... started in 1987
Stainless Steel Sabel actually stops a leak in a pipe.....
F Bomb doesn't get lost on his way home from work....
Curt Wankier performs stunts on his tractor at the Utah State Fair....
Costanza elopes with his regional sales manager......
Obama is impeached for encouraging kids to stay in school......
Milo is disqualified as Alpine Country Club Champ when cork is discovered in his driver.
Mrs F Bomb is discovered selling cats to the bioligy department at Washington State
Piper and Willow Circolia join the Republican party of NM and campaign for Sarah.
Opie AKA Robyn Cox continues to grow but still manages to fit into her class room.
Jackie Wankier wins a quiz......
That's it from here.
Thanks for tuning in.
Mighty fine Blog Post Mr. Voo.. I could not find anything irritating or obnoxious.. what has happened to the theme here? You were aghast when you heard the Wolf is now shaving his legs twice a day. You said nothing about Buzz (AKA Divot) making history by winning his dog trial at the same time as posting a 39 on a Colorado Golf course. And nothing about Constanzas pierced ear, not to mention Newbys red ribbon he won at the Sanpete county fair for his paper on Global warming.. the list is endless.. I for one.. would like to see more banter on your part.
Remotely yours...
Little Tulip enjoyed being featured on your blog. Maybe she can show it to her new friends at school. Wouldn't that be cool if her kindergarten class followed the "Weird Wide World of Voo." They wouldn't even need a science curriculum. They could learn all they needed to from Ranger Bob's tips of the week.
Keep up the good posts Voo!
My ad on this blog is a big waste of my money! Nobody is buying Lumpy Dick ($10 a pint) and I made up some big batches. Nobody is asking for poetry ($10 a line) and I have given up my bra line for women over 75 (suspension problems).
Are these beautiful little children and this brave black dog-- really happy or have they been programmed by the Voo? Just asking.
A very unhappy Lil Lo. (However I do like my photo!!!!)
Lil Lo..
Your pictures get hotter on every blog... and we all know you love that brave black dog... but your obsession with selling lumpy dick... is beginning to make me and everyone sick...
This message brought to you from Voo...
Lil Lo,
That last message and poem did not come from me. As you can tell, it came from Oil Can. It does ring ture to some extent, however. Please don't get discouraged with the dismal sales results produced by your on-line business. Remember, 90% of all new business fail. We are not going to let this one fail though. I have some new ideas that I got from Don Draper and they will be incorporated into the next posting. I need the advertising money and you need the advetising. Don't panic. Success is just around the corner.
Bubba and Margo,
Glad that Tulip liked her pictures. I have recieved lots of compliments on them. I have a special Halloween treat headed her way.
It is clear Oil Can that you have no clue
What Lumpy Dick can really do.
When the pioneers were out of cash
Fried flour and water were served as hash.
In our present climate we must make do
A little Lumpy Dick can see us through.
Free shipping and only ten dollars a pint
And made with love by Little Lois.
Oil Can-- please note. Because the last line does not rhyme I am giving you $5 off of the regular price. A real deal. You only owe me $25 for the poem. You have my blessings! Please make the payment to Voo who is my business manager.
Lil Low
Voo Said...
Your payment check is in the mail... along with wishes "you go to hell"... lumpy dick worked when times got tough... so my advice to you is "Make Enough"
Vooo-- We're going places! Oil Can bought the poem and the check is in the mail. My first sale! So excited. I believe in you, Voo-- and Don Draper.
Love, Lil big-hearted Lois
p.s. Let me know when you get the check! You get ten percent! We're in business!
p.s.s. Why is Oil Can so hostile?
Dear Lil Lo,
I am thrilled that you made your first sale. You do not owe me 10%. The fee you pay to advertise is payment enough.
Oil Can has been hostile most of his life. When he was a young man, growing up in the town of Circleville, and went to gym class for the first time, something horrific happened. While showering with the other boys he discovered that he was not as fully developed in certain places as his buddies. He has been hostile ever since. He takes out is frustrations of inadequacy out on those who try to befriend him. I have learned to live with his envy and immature behavior. It is obvious that he is not going away so I encourage others to try and do the same.
Dear Voo-- As you know I have received my second order! This time for a pint of Lumpy Dick. Just want to let all my fans know that I will be busy all weekend mixing and frying and bottling and might not be available for patio furniture placement consultation until Monday.
Thank you-- Voo-- for believing in me and my skills. It meant so much when you ordered the pint. Just want to remind you--
Lumpy Dick - $10 a pint
Delivery cost - $40
Which means you owe me $50 on receipt of the foodstuff. However please take 10% off as my all around manager. Total owing: $45.
p.s. Have you received check from Oil Can yet? We might have a lawsuit on our hands! So sad about his inadequacy. I had no idea. You might remind him that size doesn't count.
Dearest Oilcan-- I have worked out the arrangement for your patio furniture: Two chairs facing east for the sunrise (you can take your coffee out there alone or with a companion) and two chairs facing west for the sunset (you can take your martini out there and enjoy alone or with companion). A table in the center is convenient to place your whatever.
Consultation: $50
Please remit pronto! I really need the bread. My car broke down and my collection agent has gone fishing. Plus my daughter is pregnant and her husband just got picked up on a DUI. Plus I got in a fight and broke my front tooth!!!!
Thanks for you business - Lil Lo
I tried to comment on Voos blog about your patio furniture design and billing of $50.. but I have been blocked by our server... so let me just expand from this e-mail format..
Your design is suspect at best...
I saw this same design and format in a recent Cialis Commercial... you with all of your literary knowledge must know that you cannot copy something that has already been tried and tested.. maybe you should go back and enroll in a series of ethic classes... and while you are at it.. you might want to take a cooking class or two.. lumpy dick is old hat... there are a lot of other substitutes for lumpy dick out there...
When you come up with your own design and your own recipe let me know.. then the check will be in the mail..
This hurts. I have tried hard to satisfy my customers. MacVoo was happy with his lumpy dick and other clients have been jubilant with my products. The checks have been rolling in! My ethics have never ever ever been questioned before. I deliver!
So-- Oil Can. Since I can't make you happy-- I release you from all financial obligations indigenous with my company. This is really too bad because I had a new program already devised which would clean all your windows. Oh well.
What the hell. lil lost
P.S. Please do not place your patio furniture according to my instructions-- since you did not pay for the design.
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