This week's post is a brief report on a family vacation to Durango CO. If you, the reader, happen
to hate families, hate vacations, or just plain hate fun........then this post is not for you.
Spike and I are on top of Durango Mountain which happens to be the highest mountain in Colorado, next to Pikes Peak. Below is the city of Durango.
(Listed below)
(Listed below)
(Not really family, but just about the same as.)
(Not really family, but just about the same as.)
Zoobie and Voo
As so often happens, when we all get together, there are a few family members who have trouble behaving respectfully in public places. More and more it seems like Marconi and Little Martha are the instigators of this type of trouble that subsequently effects all of us. This happened to be the case on the second night we were there. Thanks to the Wolf, we had great seats at a fantastic Mexican restaurant. We were all at one table with the exception of Marconi and Lane. (see below)
As so often happens, when we all get together, there are a few family members who have trouble behaving respectfully in public places. More and more it seems like Marconi and Little Martha are the instigators of this type of trouble that subsequently effects all of us. This happened to be the case on the second night we were there. Thanks to the Wolf, we had great seats at a fantastic Mexican restaurant. We were all at one table with the exception of Marconi and Lane. (see below)
Marconi became increasingly distraught because Lane was the only one who would sit by him. Before long, as always happens at Marconi's table, Lane became extremely bored with the conversation and was looking for another place to sit. This infuriated Marconi. Suddenly for no apparent reason, he grabbed a tortilla, covered it in whipped cream, and threw it accross the room hitting Little Martha right in the face.
(see below)
Little Martha, as usual, by this time had been hitting the wine pretty good. She had already stolen the chef's hat was being asked to leave by two security guards.
Soon food was flying everywhere. Polly got hit with a burrito. Oppie got a daiquiri dumped on her head. Moochie got a face full of refried beans. Piper got guacamole dumped down her back. Martha tried to laugh it off but the owner of the restrauant did not think it was so funny
Our entire group was escorted out of the restaurant.... even the kids.
We were all officially banned from the premises for one full year with the contigency that we will only be welcomed there if we don't bring Marconi, Little Martha, or Lane.
Many of us had great fun playing pool on two of the three nights we were there.
The Wolf and I took on his boys, at least his boys that he has had in wedlock. The boys played a great game of 8 ball, but after two nights of fierce competition the final score stood at eight games to seven in favor of me and Wolfie. As the Wolf said, it was time for the boys to climb on board the L Train. (Losers Train)
Many of us had great fun playing pool on two of the three nights we were there.
The Wolf and I took on his boys, at least his boys that he has had in wedlock. The boys played a great game of 8 ball, but after two nights of fierce competition the final score stood at eight games to seven in favor of me and Wolfie. As the Wolf said, it was time for the boys to climb on board the L Train. (Losers Train)
Lindsey and Willow formed a terrific friendship while playing 8 ball. Lindsey gave Willow a fake ID, taught Willow how to drink alcohol and saw to it that Willow was never without a drink in her hand. (see above) Lindsey is blending into the family real well.
Some of us spent Saturday on the slopes on our skis. Some of us spent Saturday on the slopes on our asses. The bottom line..... it was a great day.
Some of us spent Saturday on the slopes on our skis. Some of us spent Saturday on the slopes on our asses. The bottom line..... it was a great day.
Here sits the Wolf beaming with self confidence. He certainly doesn't need his ego stroked and I hate to admit it, but next to his dad, Karl, he is the most elegant skier I have ever seen. Even with tin knees he skies with great daring and style.
He makes it look as easy as Oil Can eating a double cheesburger.
Kadin and Bodie are really good skiers considering they live in the middle of the New Mexico desert.