Dear Readers,
I'm very proud to introduce a new feature to my blog (at no additional cost to you). Spike Jones, a seven-year-old black lab from Manti, Utah, will be starting a column entitled "Ask Spike." Spike has a broad range of hobbies and experiences, and is looking forward to answering your questions--whether you are human or canine. Spike has a dual Master's Degree in retreiving and philosophy. He enjoys long rides in the country, retreiving frisbees, retreiving birds, watching the Red Sox, eating table food, and solving calculus problems. Please send your questions to No topics are off limits!
Spike huntingI'm very proud to introduce a new feature to my blog (at no additional cost to you). Spike Jones, a seven-year-old black lab from Manti, Utah, will be starting a column entitled "Ask Spike." Spike has a broad range of hobbies and experiences, and is looking forward to answering your questions--whether you are human or canine. Spike has a dual Master's Degree in retreiving and philosophy. He enjoys long rides in the country, retreiving frisbees, retreiving birds, watching the Red Sox, eating table food, and solving calculus problems. Please send your questions to No topics are off limits!
Dear Spike,
I am a one-year-old Border Collie and have developed the habit of chronic leg-humping. I am totally obsessed with it. Do I need psychiatric help?
Horny Hal
Dear Hal,
It is absolutely normal behavior for a dog of your age to be humping legs. At that period of my life I was humping every leg is sight, from chair legs, to table legs, to piano legs, to the Mailman's legs---and even the Manti City Dog Catcher's legs. Once in awhile I would even spend an evening with a shovel handle. However, Hal, it is a habit that must be broken. Just about all humans, with the exception of Costanza, do not appreciate having their legs violated. With self discipline, I broke the habit and you must break the habit too. No one can help you but your inner conscience. It is very dangerous to continue. I have a cousin named Vinnie who could never become the Master of his Domain and it eventually caused him to go blind (see photo below). Good luck, Hal!
I am a one-year-old Border Collie and have developed the habit of chronic leg-humping. I am totally obsessed with it. Do I need psychiatric help?
Horny Hal
Dear Hal,
It is absolutely normal behavior for a dog of your age to be humping legs. At that period of my life I was humping every leg is sight, from chair legs, to table legs, to piano legs, to the Mailman's legs---and even the Manti City Dog Catcher's legs. Once in awhile I would even spend an evening with a shovel handle. However, Hal, it is a habit that must be broken. Just about all humans, with the exception of Costanza, do not appreciate having their legs violated. With self discipline, I broke the habit and you must break the habit too. No one can help you but your inner conscience. It is very dangerous to continue. I have a cousin named Vinnie who could never become the Master of his Domain and it eventually caused him to go blind (see photo below). Good luck, Hal!
My Blind Cousin Vinnie
Dear Spike,
I am a Golden Retreiver and I can't explain it but I just love chasing cats. Is this normal?
Feline-Fixated Phil
Dear Phil,
Absoultely! Chasing cats is something you can do your whole life. It is exhilarating, satisfying, and an affordable hobby that you can look forward to on a daily basis. You see, Phil, cats are very annoying. They leave hair everywhere, are impossible to house break, and are actually afraid of mice. They think they are so cool, but they scare very easily. I've included some pictures below of me, engaged in one of my many cat-chasing escapades. Happy cat-chasing!
Dear Spike,
I am a Golden Retreiver and I can't explain it but I just love chasing cats. Is this normal?
Feline-Fixated Phil
Dear Phil,
Absoultely! Chasing cats is something you can do your whole life. It is exhilarating, satisfying, and an affordable hobby that you can look forward to on a daily basis. You see, Phil, cats are very annoying. They leave hair everywhere, are impossible to house break, and are actually afraid of mice. They think they are so cool, but they scare very easily. I've included some pictures below of me, engaged in one of my many cat-chasing escapades. Happy cat-chasing!
This is Fence Post Fred. I send him up the post every day while on my morning run.
This is Mangy Marv. I can put him up a tree by just giving him a casual look.
This is Cluster Climber Cal. He has not really figured out the best tress with the best branches that are condusive to climbing.
This is Nervous Pervous. She has a fear of leaves. I always show her the courtesy of running her up a leafless tree.
Dear Spike,
What's your favorite movie?
Dear Spot,
Ah! Cinema is one of my favorite pasttimes. Lately I've been obsessed with French existential films from the 30s and 40s, but I have to say that my favorite movie of all time is The Wizard of Oz. It's about a dog named Toto who helps four less-than-brilliant characters find the meaning of life. It is an action-packed thriller and Toto performs many heoric feats. Some of my favorite scenes are shown in the pictures below:
During this part of the movie, Toto bites the incrediably obnoxious Lollipop Kids and gives all three of them rabies..
"What a world, what a world"
Toto pulls the curtain and exposes the wizard. Toto discovers the wizard is no wizard, but indeed a fraud and pervert, hiding behind curtains.
Finally, Toto jumps out of Dorothy's arms to chase a cat which prevents Dorothy from being kidnapped by a weird old man in a balloon.
The Wizard of Oz is a work of cinetmatic genius and I highly recommend it to all of my readers.
Dear Spike,
What's the best way to carry a bird---in your paws or in a backpack?
Stumped in Salina
Dear Stumped,
You dumb bastard. The best way to carry a bird is in your mouth! (see photo below)
Dear Spike,
What's your favorite Federal Duck Stamp.
Post-dog Pete
Dear Pete,
The Federal Duck Stamp issued in 1959 is the only duck stamp ever to feature a dog. The dog just happens to be a Black Lab. It just happens to be my great, great, great, great, uncle....Uncle Buck . (see below)
What's your favorite Federal Duck Stamp.
Post-dog Pete
Dear Pete,
The Federal Duck Stamp issued in 1959 is the only duck stamp ever to feature a dog. The dog just happens to be a Black Lab. It just happens to be my great, great, great, great, uncle....Uncle Buck . (see below)
Uncle Buck
Dear Spike,
What's your favorite painting?
Dear Art,
I don't mean to brag, Art, but by some coincidence one of my favorite paintings happens to be of myself retrieving a pheasant. (see below)
What's your favorite painting?
Dear Art,
I don't mean to brag, Art, but by some coincidence one of my favorite paintings happens to be of myself retrieving a pheasant. (see below)
Dear Spike,
What's your favorite book?
Literary Lou
Dear Lou,
One of my favorites is A Dog For All Seasons. It was written with me in mind and outlines to the reader just how versatile Labs are. We are, among other things, good hunters, retrievers, family dogs, watch dogs, landscape technicians, riding companions, office assistants, controllers of pests, and tenders of children. (see photo below)
What's your favorite book?
Literary Lou
Dear Lou,
One of my favorites is A Dog For All Seasons. It was written with me in mind and outlines to the reader just how versatile Labs are. We are, among other things, good hunters, retrievers, family dogs, watch dogs, landscape technicians, riding companions, office assistants, controllers of pests, and tenders of children. (see photo below)
Dear Spike,
I love to fetch and want to be a hunting dog, but my "master" insists that I live the life of a poodle.
Peter Poodle
Dear Peter,
I don't correspond with poodles. Go back to France!
I love to fetch and want to be a hunting dog, but my "master" insists that I live the life of a poodle.
Peter Poodle
Dear Peter,
I don't correspond with poodles. Go back to France!
Dear Spike,
I am a Yellow Lab and so everything my master asks of me. But he always makes me sleep outside. It doesn't seem fair.
Afraid of the Dark Mark
Dear Mark,
That is all bullshit. I have never slept outside in my life. I actually have my own bed with an electric blanket, a nighttime snack bar next to my bed, my own TV and remote, and a reading lamp. You need to straighten out your master. When he comes home wag your tail and take the stupid ass a pillow. Pretend you are really glad to see him. Do things to make him like you and want to be with you every minute. If he still persists in putting you out at night, there are other options. Chew up the garden hoses, patio furniture, and young trees. Write your name in the grass with urine. Bury his yard tools. Put dead mice in his mail box. Take the spark plugs out of his car and lawnmower. Roll in something dead and then sit on his car seat. Dig a hole under the fence and invite 37 of your closest dogs friends over for an all-nighter. I think your master will soon get the picture.
SPIKE'S BLACK LAB BABES (Not suitable for pups)
Carnival Connie....I had an interesting time with Connie on the Ferris wheel at the last Sanpete County Fair.
The Olsen Twins...... These two K9 nymphos can wear a guy right into the ground.
Wilma The Water World Wonder.....This bitch can do things under water that I never dreamed of.
That's it for this time. Hope to be hearing from some of you readers. Remember that Voo's next blog will feature another assortment of interesting topics as well as a report on Tulip and Teen Teen visiting Manti and the Sanpete Ducks Unlimited Dinner being held on the 27th.
Quotes of the Day:
I have a great dog. She is half Lab and half Pit Bull. A great combination. Sure she may bite my leg off, but she will always bring it back to me. ....Jimi Celeste
When I blow in Spike's face he gets mad at me. But when I take him the the car he always sticks his head out the window......... Voo
If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater...... suggest that he wear a tail.... Fran Lebowitz